Land Acknowledgement
As we continue to grow our business and do the work to become an inclusive organization, we will do so in partnership and with goodwill towards Black, Indigenous, and all people-of-color

APi Group’s headquarters are located in Mni Sota Makoce (Minnesota), the homeland of the Dakota people for thousands of years. Mni Sota (Minnesota) is centered as the birthplace for the Dakota, with Bdote (where the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers meet) and Bde Wakan (Spirit Lake, now also known as Lake Mille Lacs) highlighted in Dakota creation stories. The Bdote area consists of many areas of historic and contemporary Dakota significance, such as Taku Wakan Tipi (Carver’s Cave), Mni Sni (Coldwater Spring), and Oheyawahi (Pilot Knob).
We honor the Native people of these lands and respect their culture and sacred traditions. We believe that healing cannot begin, and we cannot become a fully inclusive company, until we have acknowledged the genocide, ethnic cleansing, and forced removal of Native people from the lands where our facilities are located.