Get in touch
SK FireSafety Group
Huifakkerstraat 22
Breda, NL 4815 PN
Phone: +31 (0)76-5487000
Because in the case of a fire every second counts and every situation is different, we believe in dedicated products, dedicated systems and dedicated solutions for every customer. Whether it's a nursery in Antwerp or an oil platform in the Asian Sea. People, assets and the environment deserve maximum safety.
At SK FireSafety Group we constantly tell ourselves one thing: it's not about us. It's about our people and our companies and the customers they work for. They make the difference for our customers; their common goal is to save human lives and assets. SK FireSafety Group is there for them, to get better, stronger, healthier — as autonomously as possible, because that's what we believe in: operating independently in the sectors of which they have deep-rooted knowledge as \"fire safety experts,\" with their own products and services, and with their own propositions and innovations.